Main Street Program


The Bradford Main Street Program

The Bradford Main Street Program is a catalyst for growth and development of Historic Downtown Bradford. Following the guidelines of the Four Point National Main Street program, Bradford Main Street focuses on business recruitment, façade improvement, community advocacy, and special events.  The Main Street Program strives to promote Downtown Bradford as a place to live, work, and visit, and to make improvements to the area to support these activities.

Preserving our historic architecture is often a costly endeavor. Our façade improvement program assists property owners within the historic district with the upkeep, repair, and restoration of the exterior of their historic buildings. Qualifying projects will receive a 50% total cost reimbursement for the historically appropriate renovations and repairs made to their building’s façade. Interested applicants should contact Elaina Lucco at

Main Street Events

Main Street is the gathering place for community events. Parades, festivals and retail events all take place in the heart of our Historic District.

Elaina Lucco

814-368-7170 ext. 1

Historic Architecture Review Board

All proposed changes to the exterior of buildings located within Bradford’s Historic District must be approved by the Historic Architecture Review Board; or H.A.R.B. The H.A.R.B ensures that appropriate changes to historic buildings are being made, and that the historic integrity of these buildings remains intact for future generations. Property owners who wish to make any changes or alterations to the exterior of their property must fill out an application, available below, detailing the specifics of the proposed work. The application will be reviewed at the monthly H.A.R.B meeting. If approved, the applicant will receive a Certificate of Appropriateness and work may begin. If the application is denied, no work will be permitted, and the applicant must make the appropriate changes to their application and re-apply the following month. The Historic District Design Guideline, also available below, outlines appropriate and inappropriate projects, and what the H.A.R.B will and will not allow.