If you are currently recycling, we thank you for the part you play in the success of the City of Bradford’s Recycling Program.
Bradford is a Third Class City and is mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to provide curbside pick up of recyclables. The Waste Reduction & Recycling Ordinance No. 3128 of the City of Bradford requires all residents within the City to recycle. We are currently recycling aluminum and bi-metallic cans, glass, newspaper, office paper, magazines and cardboard.
The City of Bradford makes application to the DEP for an Act 101 Section 904 Grant every year. The Dept. of Environmental Protection rewards the citizens of Bradford for their efforts in recycling by awarding the grant funds based on recycling tonage reported. Everything placed at the curb for recycling benefits the City & the taxpayers. This grant money is placed into a special fund called the Recycling Escrow Fund and used solely for maintaining our recycling program and recycling vehicles, thus keeping maintenance costs and taxes down.
Recycling is not just a benefit to the environment. Done on a regular and responsible basis, the total tons delivered to the landfill decreases as do the monthly tipping fees. In 2012 the City expended $182,855 out of the General Fund for tipping fees. There has been a steady decline of residential recycling in the City between 2004 and 2012; we strongly encourage all City residents to recycle. By recycling you enable the City to file the DEP Performance Grant each year. The money received from that grant helps offset expenses related to the recycling center and vehicles; another savings to taxpayers.