City Departments & Contact Info

The City of Bradford is a Third Class City that operates under a commission form of government. Its governing body consists of both elected and appointed officials.

The individuals you find listed on this site range from elected or appointed officials, to volunteers who serve on an Authority, Board, or Commission, along with employees of the City of Bradford. We take pride in working together towards one common goal – continuously bettering Bradford to benefit our entire community.

City Hall

Historic Preservation Icon

City Administrators Office

City of Bradford Icons_City Administrator's office RED


Property Maintenance Icon

Property Maintenance &
Code Enforcement

Human Resources Icon

Human Resources

Treasurers Office Icon

Accounts Payable/
Accounts Receivable

Parks Icon

Department of Public
Works/ Parks/ Permits

City of Bradford Icons_Water Authority Red


Sanitary Authority


Historic Preservation Icon


The city administrator’s office is the administrative center of the city government, responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the city. The office is led by the city administrator, appointed by the city council and is responsible for implementing council policies, managing the city’s departments and staff. Additionally, the city administrator’s office is responsible for developing and executing the city’s budget, ensuring that city services are delivered effectively and efficiently, and making recommendations to the city council on issues ranging from public safety to economic development. The city administrator also serves as a liaison between the city government and the public, helping to ensure that citizens’ concerns and needs are heard and addressed.

Eric Taylor

City Administrator

Open Records Officer

Tina Hallock

Administrative Assistant

City of Bradford Icons_City Administrator's office RED

Treasurers Office

The Treasurer’s Office is the city department responsible for managing the collection and disbursement of taxes and other revenues within the city. The office is also tasked with collection of nearly all payments made to the city, including but not limited to, city and school district property taxes, as well as city utilities.

Jordan Mongillo


Deputy Treasurer

Jill Howard

Refuse Billing/Recycling/Teller

Property Maintenance Icon

Property Maintenance and Code Enforcement

This department handles ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations related to building codes, zoning ordinances, and other ordinances related to public health and safety. Staffed by property maintenance inspectors as well as a building and health officer all of whom are responsible for inspecting properties, investigating complaints, and enforcing penalties for violations. The primary goal of the department is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for residents and visitors by ensuring that buildings and properties are constructed, maintained, and used in accordance with local laws and regulations. Additionally, the building and health officer may work with property owners to educate them on applicable codes and regulations, when undertaking building and construction projects.

Brandon Plowman

Health Dept. Director


Mike Schreiber

Department of Property Maintenance Supervisor

Travis Crawford

DPMI Inspector/Asst. Dir. Health Department


Department of Property Maintenance Inspector


Human Resources Icon

Human Resources

This office is an essential department within the city that is responsible for managing and developing the human capital of the company. The HR office handles assisting with recruiting,
hiring, onboarding and training employees, as well as ensuring that the organization’s policies and procedures comply with legal regulations. In addition, the HR office manages employee
benefits and city pension plans.

Valerie Figula

Deputy Accounts and Finance

Human Resource Director

Treasurers Office Icon

Accounts Payable /Accounts Receivable

This office is responsible for managing both the company’s financial obligations to vendors and suppliers as well as the compensation of its employees. They receive and verify invoices, process payments, keep records of all financial transactions related to the purchase of goods and services, and manage and process employee compensation. This includes calculating salaries, wages, taxes, benefits, and other deductions, as well as ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to both accounts payable and payroll functions.

Laura Hilyer

Accounts Payable 

Payroll Clerk

Parks Icon

Department of Public Works/ Parks/ Permits

Public Works, Refuse, and Parks Department are responsible for maintaining and improving the infrastructure, sanitation, and recreational facilities within the city. They are responsible for tasks such as street repairs, snow removal, trash collection, recycling programs, maintaining public parks and green spaces, and ensuring the safety and functionality of public buildings and structures. The department also oversees the maintenance of vehicles and equipment necessary to carry out these tasks, as well as the management of personnel required for these operations. Overall, the Public Works, Refuse, and Parks Department plays a vital role in ensuring the cleanliness, safety, and livability of the community it serves.

Marie Verolini

Administrative Assistant DPW/ Parks

Building Permits/ Zoning/ Parks Pavilion Rentals

John W. Peterson

Zoning and Health Officer

Pat Shannon

Department of Public Works

Parks Facilities Director

Pat Goff

Parks Facilities Director

814-362-3884 x 121

Dan Tyger

City Electrician





Community Development

Office of Economic and Community Development

Karen Costello-Pecht

Executive Director

Elaina Lucco

Community/Economic Development Manager

Jason Lindemuth

Scott Lyle

Faron Meyer


City of Bradford Icons_Water Authority Red


Bradford City Water Authority

Sanitary Authority


Bradford Sanitary Authority